Family History Searches
The History Club has a comprehensive collection of local records that we can search for you to find named individuals, relationships, addresses and dates. We make a small charge for this service:
1. Primary search: of all NM parish records (BMD), census returns, burial records- £10 per person.
2. Secondary search: for printing out records, providing copies of photographs, census returns, copies of local pedigree charts, internet search, search of BMDs in neighbouring parishes, tracing a memorial stone (if possible) an additional £10 per person
Paying us money?
For BACS payments (bank credit transfer) sort code 30-99-74, account 15310360. Please reference the payment with what the payment is for (eg book title, name search, calendar, membership fee etc)
If you can only pay by cheque please make out the cheque to North Marston History Club and post to NMHC, 10, High Street, North Marston MK18 3PD with information about what the payment is for.